Month: January 2024

Foreclosure activity is still lower than the norm

[[{“value”:” Have you read the headlines about the rise in foreclosures on today’s housing markets? “}]] 

The 2 Factors that Influence Mortgage Rates

[[{“value”:” You’ve probably been closely monitoring mortgage rates if you’re in the market to buy a house. “}]] 

Will a silver tsunami change the housing market in 2024?

[[{“value”:” Have you heard of the “Silver Tsunami?” and wondered what that was all about? “}]] 

Why it’s more affordable to buy a home this year [INFOGRAPHIC]

[[{“value”:” Mortgage rates, home prices and wages are three factors that affect affordability. “}]] 

The Top Benefits to Buying a Multigenerational Home

Have you ever thought about sharing a house with your parents, grandparents, or other family members?  

As mortgage rates fall, are more homeowners selling their homes?

The recent trend of mortgage rates falling is good news for those looking to purchase a home. It helps with affordability.  

Experts predict that home prices will increase in 2024

Some people worry that home prices could fall despite the fact that they are rising nationally.  

Three things you must do to sell your house in 2024

If you have a goal of selling your home and moving this year, it’s likely that you’re juggling between excitement for what lies ahead and sentimentality about your current house.  

The Key Terms Every Homebuyer Must Know [INFOGRAPHIC]

It can be a complicated process if you do not understand the terminology used.  

3 Key Factors Affecting Home Affordability

In the last year, many people have talked about how difficult it is to find affordable housing.